Why did Russia invade Ukraine?|Real conflict|History of Ukraine|

 Why did Russia invade Ukraine?

Ukraine's independence came in 1991. The
Soviet union had collapsed. As it splintered,a number of new nations emerged. Ukraine was one of the largest. Its population was 52 million. It was 1200 kilometers from east to west and with that land came a huge farming
sector worth over 20 billion dollars now or close to 15 billion pounds. As democracy moved east Ukrainians celebrated their first election.The US called it momentous,but  all the enthusiasm democracy couldn't change Ukraine's geography or its history.Russia was located in the east of Ukraine and in the west were Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. All three had communist pass by. In 2004 all three had joined the European Union.Being pro-Russia or pro-Europe became a fundamental dividing line in Ukrainian politics and months later during allegations of electoral fraud"The Orange revolution" began.Two men ' Yanukovych' who was pro-Russia and who'd initially been declared the winner and 'Yashenko' who was pro-Europe and would become president after a new vote and while the outcome of that election was settled relations with Russia. Afterwards 'Yanukovych' was re-elected. In 2013, he would take a decision with huge consequence . Chris morris reported at the time as Europe leaders arrived for the eastern partnership summit something was missing.The centerpiece was supposed to have been the signing of an association agreement with Ukraine but it didn't happen under pressure from Russia.
Yanukovych walked away from that deal
with the Europe and another revolution would
begin.There were weeks of protest and
crackdowns and in the end Yanukovych would flee this country estate just outside kiev and head for Russia.
First Russia annexed "Crimea" from Ukraine. It's a peninsula on the black sea, weeks later
pro-Russia rebels seized two regions in the east of Ukraine. Russia already divided Ukrainian politics now Putin was dividing the country itself but the turn towards the west  frustrated him.In the recent poll 68 percent of Ukrainians are in favor of joining the Europe.Putin though sees Russians and Ukrainians as one nation.
He says Ukraine is ancient Russian soil that perception may explain this invasion today.Perhaps there's something else too. That's why Ukraine's president said "Putin started a war against Ukraine against the whole democratic world he wants to destroy my country he wants to destroy our country, everything we've been building everything we live for”
That effort to build a nation began
as Ukraine emerged from the soviet union. Now
the Cold War is over and Russia has officially declared war on Ukraine.


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