What is No Confidence motion?Proceeding in the light of constitution...


In this article we will dicuss what is No confidence motion and what is the procedure of bringing it...i'll never discuss political aspects of it.
So in the constitution 1973 under the section 95 the prime minister ceases to hold office, if the majority of the members of the National Assembly vote for a motion of no confidence.

it means that which parliment  elected  Prime Minister by a vote of confidence can also  remove the Prime Minister from office if they want to..I would call it the beauty of democracy.

Now lezz talk about its procceding...
* Before it can be put for vote in the perliament house's floor, it must have the backing of at least 20% of the elected members..currently there are 341 member of National assembly so it means if 68 or more than 68 people signature on no confidence motion request, it will be approved  by the speaker.
*then Speaker will  send a notification to all members of the Assembly.And will call a meeting of national assembly within three days later than seven days from the day on which such resolution is moved In the national assembly.
*under the constitution resolution shall not be  moved to the national assembly while the national assembly is considering demands for grants submitted to it in the annual budget statement.
*if the resolution is passed by a majority of total membership of national assembly,the Prime Minister shall cease to hold the office.
*And if that resolution fails, it can't revive  for the next six months.

On March 8, opposition political parties sought a no-confidence motion in parliament to remove Prime Minister Imran Khan.The Speaker of the National Assembly has call meeting on March 25.
In the End i will just say May Allah make a better decision in favor of Pakistan.


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