
Showing posts from March, 2022

What is No Confidence motion?Proceeding in the light of constitution...

  In this article we will dicuss what is No confidence motion and what is the procedure of bringing it...i'll never discuss political aspects of it. So in the constitution 1973 under the section 95 the prime minister ceases to hold office, if the majority of the members of the National Assembly vote for a motion of no confidence. it means that which parliment  elected  Prime Minister by a vote of confidence can also  remove the Prime Minister from office if they want to..I would call it the beauty of democracy. Now lezz talk about its procceding... * Before it can be put for vote in the perliament house's floor, it must have the backing of at least 20% of the elected members..currently there are 341 member of National assembly so it means if 68 or more than 68 people signature on no confidence motion request, it will be approved  by the speaker. *then Speaker will  send a notification to all members of the Assembly.And will call a meeting of national assembly within three

what is digital currency?How it works?History of currency and future of digital currency....

  These days  crypto currencies are something that everyone wants to talk about but no one really knows how they work so today I'm going to fix that Since man,world currency has been a very essential part of our lives. In the caveman era,they use the barter system. The barter system means exchanging of goods and services among each other. for example: a caveman is exchanging seven mangoes and getting bananas in return. The barter system fell out of use now because it had some glaring flaws. These flaws include having people's requirements coincide for example: you have five mangoes and your friend has five bananas. you want some of his bananas now until and unless your friend has a requirement for the mangoes that you own he'll not be ready to make an exchange for it. There's no common measure of value. that's why there's a problem when you have to decide how many mangoes you are ready to trade for one banana or a mango.All codes can't be divided or subdiv

Why did Russia invade Ukraine?|Real conflict|History of Ukraine|

 Why did Russia invade Ukraine? Ukraine's independence came in 1991 . The Soviet union had collapsed. As it splintered,a number of new nations emerged. Ukraine was one of the largest. Its population was 52 million. It was 1200 kilometers from east to west and with that land came a huge farming sector worth over 20 billion dollars now or close to 15 billion pounds. As democracy moved east Ukrainians celebrated their first election.The US called it momentous,but  all the enthusiasm democracy couldn't change Ukraine's geography or its history.Russia was located in the east of Ukraine and in the west were Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. All three had communist pass by. In 2004 all three had joined the European Union.Being pro-Russia or pro-Europe became a fundamental dividing line in Ukrainian politics and months later during allegations of electoral fraud"The Orange revolution" began.Two men ' Yanukovych' who was pro-Russia and who'd initially been declar