
Showing posts from June, 2021


  CHINESE history has been centered around in between its great rivers most notably the Yangtze River Valley in the south and in the north the Yellow River.  Even in Neolithic times the fertile plains surrounding the rivers could support large populations with large surpluses of food. These early peoples were extremely vulnerable to the flooding of these great rivers many thousands could die from an unexpected flood. Xia dynasty is the first dynasty in traditional chinese history.Xia dynasty had sophisticated irrigation techniques which protect the cities from flooding and further increased crop yields.This possibly enabled the first emperors to rule over multiple peoples ensuring they were fed and protected from natural disasters and they were said to have the Mandate of Heaven.The Xia would be conquered by the Shang these extremely warlike people brought the Middle Kingdom fully into the Bronze Age.They were so cruel and builded a strong army. They would be conquered by the Zhuo dyna

"3 ways to improve your communication skills"

Do you know the keys to becoming a great conversationalist!! FIRST key is to pause before replying.A short pause of three to five seconds after a person stops talking is a very classy thing to do in a conversation when you pause you accomplish three goals simultaneously:  1_For starters we cut the risk of interrupting the person who is chatting down to minimum, and let that person catch his/her breath for a fragment of minute.  2_ The second benefit is that you show the other person that you are giving careful consideration to his or her words by not jumping in with your own comments at the earliest opportunity.   3_The third benefit of pausing in conversation is that you will actually hear the other person better his or her words will soak into a deeper level of your mind and you will understand what he or she is really saying with greater clarity by pausing you'll mark yourself as a brilliant conversationalist.  SECOND way to become a great conversationalist is to question for

How to Manage Stress?

1)Brief Meditation - Stress Management Exercise  There are two stages. In the first stage, the person should sit comfortably and close their eyes. He should choose the word peace from 'harmony', 'peace', 'peace', 'peace'or 'rest' and meditate on the chosen one. One has to visualize scenes that interact with the word or create mental images that reflect that name, and feel 'harmonious' or 'peaceful' within oneself. In the second stage, one has to choose something like fabric, stone, etc. that attracts one, and then begins to think about its texture with closed eyes.Spending two minutes or more can lead to meditation.   2)Giving Brain Oxygen Hit and Crown Pull We usually do not breathe enough to give enough oxygen to the brain. Stress causes us to breathe less deeply, so in order for oxygen to reach our brain, we need to do this exercise: we have to balance our hands together for a while to create energy. We should place our palms