How powerful is Pakistan?

 Whether it is the Cold War or the global war on terror, Pakistan is one of the few countries in the world that has a very important role to play in world affairs.  The United States imposes sanctions on Pakistan and when interests begin to clash, Pakistan begins to reduce its cooperation with the United States. What is the importance of Pakistan in world politics and how powerful is this country with a population of over 220.9 million?  We see that Pakistan's greatest strength is its great geography, which is fastly becoming the center of global politics and economy. To the east and north of Pakistan, the world's most populous countries are India and China.  There is no better route than Pakistan for trade from Africa and Arab states and India for trade routes in the west to Central Asia, while Afghanistan in the northwest also needs Pakistan's help in accessing the sea.  It is so important that the United States has also set up permanent bases in Afghanistan since 9/11. First of all, Pakistan has the fifth largest army in the world in Asia and in terms of defense.  Pakistan Army is considered to be the 11th most powerful army in the world in the world rankings, although Pakistan is ranked 23rd in the world in terms of spending on defense.  Which has crushed the internal network of terrorism in less than ten years. 

The same challenge was faced by Syria, Libya, Yemen and Iraq, but all of these countries failed to meet these threats and fell victim to civil war.

Pakistan is the seventh nuclear power in the world. Pakistan is one of the most powerful countries in the world capable of developing third- and fourth-generation fighter jets, submarines, warships and satellites.  In terms of area, Pakistan is the 24th largest economy in terms of purchasing power and the 24th largest economy in terms of GDP.  In other words, Pakistan's financial situation is better than one and a half interest countries in the world. The average annual income of Pakistani citizens is sixteen hundred and nineteen dollars, which is more than India and Bangladesh.  Pakistan could become the 16th largest economy in the world, surpassing Italy and Canada by 2020, provided that democracy and peace prevail in Pakistan. The weakness of the Pakistani economy is that it is more dependent.  Despite its abundant water and fertile land, Pakistan's agricultural output is below world standards, largely due to its lack of use of modern technology. If Pakistan innovates in its agriculture and industry, no one will stop it from moving forward.  Politically, Pakistan is seen as closer to the three world powers, China, Russia and Turkey, while Pakistan's relations with the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom fluctuate.  And more and more countries are pursuing trade goals  A major weakness of Pakistan is its bad relations with its neighbors India and Afghanistan, as well as unstable democracy, which is a disturbing obstacle to Pakistan's development. That is why global investors  While investing heavily here, one is cautious. In short, Pakistan is a strong and well-established country with a very large geography and population.
Is a powerful country with a large portion of its power coming from its large population, important geography, powerful military and relations with China.


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