"History of Mongol Empire"

 It was the most contactual  world empire in history that stretched from Korea to Ukraine and from Siberia to southern China and was built on open plains.

In the 12th century CE, before the Mongol Empire was formed, the steppe of East Asia was the home of the dispersed Mongol and Turkic struggle forces. People were herding sheep, cattle, yaks and camels. They lived in sensitive tents and traveled between summer and winter camps. The nomadic women held important authority, controlling this migration, large herds and trade. Meanwhile, the men are focused on the battles fought. These nomadic groups often fought one another. That would change under Temujin, who was born into a respectable Mongol family. Although he had lost his father at a young age and had grown up poor, he quickly regained his strength by strengthening his relationship with other leaders. Unlike those khans, Temujin raised soldiers based on beauty and distributed the spoils equally among them. His best move is to disperse the conquered aliens among his troops so that they will not be able to rally against him. These innovations made him unstoppable, and in 1206, he assembled tentmakers to become Chinggis Khan. The Mongols were shamanists, believing that spirits in nature and their ancestors lived in the world around them. Above all arched the Sky god Tenggeri. Chinggis Khan believed that Tenggeri wanted him to conquer the world in his name. As the nomadic plains of Mongolia came together, this seemed unattainable. Anyone who opposed the Mongols was opposed to Tenggeri's will, and as a result of this disrespect, he deserved to die. Under Chinggis Khan, the Mongols began their conquest of northern China and the Muslim world. After his death in 1227, the Divine Mandate passed on to his family, or Golden Lineage. In the 1230's, Chinggis Khan's sons and daughters defeated the Turks of Central Asia and the Russian authorities, and in 1241 they destroyed two European armies. China in 1279. Life within the Mongol Empire was much more than a war, looting and destruction. When the Mongols conquered the region, they abandoned their internal politics and used their own power to control the local authorities.

Flag of Mongols
The Mongols allow all religions to prosper, as long as the leaders pray for them. Although they were accustomed to capturing artisans, scholars, and engineers, they appreciated the expertise of these experts and forced them to stay in Asia to continue their work. The most important commodity in the Kingdom was gold brocade, which took Chinese silk, Tibetan gold, and Baghdad weavers. A golden cloak clothed the Mongols, covered their horses, and pitched their tents. The Mongols were a vital part of the Chinese artillery. With the extensive political integration of Eurasia, trade flourished on the Silk Road, aided by a comprehensive program of cavalry and shipping. Strong trade continued at sea, mainly with blue and white clay, which included white clay from Mongolia China and blue dye from Mongolian Iran. But this would not last long. The succession of Great Khan did not go to the eldest son, but instead allowed the brothers, uncles and cousins ​​to challenge the leadership and older widows who served as stewards of their sons. By the 1260s, Chinggis Khan's grandchildren were in a civil war raging and divided the empire into four separate kingdoms. In China, the Yuan Dynasty of Kublai Khan is remembered as the golden age of science and culture. In Iran, the Ilkhanate has opened the construction of new large buildings and a small Persian painting. In Central Asia, the Chagatai Khanate produced leaders such as Timur and his descendants Babur, who founded the Mughal Empire in India. And in Eastern Europe, the Golden Horde ruled for years until a trading post called Muscovy became a major power. Although the Kingdom was short-lived, the Mongols left behind a legacy of modern-day sovereignty.


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