
Showing posts from July, 2021

"Importance of ECommerece in present Era"

So first of all i will let you know that what is "ECommerece". It means electronic commerece, that is, buying and selling items through the internet. There are three types of Ecommerece: 1) Business to Business 2) Business to Consumer 3) Consumer to Consumer In Business to Business, a businessman sells goods to another businessman, which we also call wholesale,e.g the Shopify website is doing wholesale's  business. In Business to Consumer, Businessman sells his products to the general public. For example Daraz, Amazon In Consumer to Consumer, there is no 3rd person, but users exchange goods with each other. The biggest example of this is OLX. Importance of Ecommerece: In the present age, interest of people towards Ecommerece is increasing day by day. People prefer to shop online,Actually not only online shopping, but now people are Prefering what they can easily do from their mobile at home and since the advent of covid its market has grown tremendously as the f